Essay: Everytime a webmaster delinks to the atheist website RationalWiki an angel gets his wings
Below is scientific, mathematical and statistical proof that every time a webmaster delinkis from the atheist website RationalWiki an angel gets his wings!
Why have 800+ websites delinked from RationalWiki from January 25, 2021 to March 22, 2021? Why does RationalWiki currently have a negative link velocity?
As can be seen below, according to the leading website analytics website SEMRush, as of January 25, 2021 had 21,973 websites linking to it. On March 22, 2020 which is when they most recently updated the backlink analysis of the website had 21,172 websites linking to it. That's about a loss of 800 websites linking to RationalWiki in only 2 months.
Two of the leading website marketing analytics websites indicate that the link velocity rate of RationalWiki is negative, not positive (SEMRush and Link Research Tools).
Why are so many websites delinking from RationalWiki?
According to Link Research Tools: "A very negative link velocity trend (LVT) means that the web has lost interest in the page or domain."[1] indicates RationalWiki lost a lot of its traffic in 2021 and it is currently losing its ranking in the world and in the USA as far as its SimilarWeb rankings[2]
Everytime a webmaster delinks from the atheist website RationalWiki an angel gets his wings!
Global evangelical Christianity is growing at about 9 times the rate of global atheism in the world and scholars project there will be 393,545,000 evangelical Christians by mid 2021.[3]
As the amount of websites linking to diminishes and the percent of atheists in the world diminishes, the amount of evangelicals in the world is increasing. That means there is a currently a negative correlation between the websites linking to RationalWiki and the percentage of atheists in the world and the growth of evangelicals in the world.
As Frank Capra's classic movie It's a Wonderful Life so famously said, "Look daddy, my Christian academy teacher says, everytime a webmaster delinks from the atheist website RationalWiki an angel gets his wings." (very liberally paraphased!)[4]
Google searches for the term "RationalWiki" from 2007 to April of 2021. The number of searches for the term "RationalWiki" at Google is much lower than its peak in November of 2014
- 1 Why have 800+ websites delinked from RationalWiki from January 25, 2021 to March 22, 2021? Why does RationalWiki currently have a negative link velocity?
- 2 Google searches for the term "RationalWiki" from 2007 to April of 2021. The number of searches for the term "RationalWiki" at Google is much lower than its peak in November of 2014
- 3 RationalWiki is like the Babylon Bee of atheism - except the Babylon Bee is trying to be humorous
- 4 Gentlemen, I saw that the RationalWiki website lost a huge amount of web traffic in the latter part of 2019 and throughout most of the first half of 2020 and it brought a smile to my face. I see all gentlemen. There is no escaping my watchful eyes
- 5 A humble Christian's glorious victory over the RationalWiki editor Anna Livia
- 6 See also
- 7 References
RationalWiki is like the Babylon Bee of atheism - except the Babylon Bee is trying to be humorous
Gentlemen, I saw that the RationalWiki website lost a huge amount of web traffic in the latter part of 2019 and throughout most of the first half of 2020 and it brought a smile to my face. I see all gentlemen. There is no escaping my watchful eyes

I saw your big failure and smiled. Gentlemen, I laugh at your "superior atheist intellects".
A humble Christian's glorious victory over the RationalWiki editor Anna Livia
See also
- Essay: RationalWiki admits it has a weirdo, pansie infestation
- Comedy and satires concerning atheism and evolution